Blank Slate Algo (Beta)

Video Tutorial

There are a few different ways to work with the algorithms- check out this webinar to understand the use cases of each workflow.

1. Start the generation

A centerline or a custom core is required to run the Generate Building Platealgorithm.

  • Enter the plan view by double clicking on a story.

  • Select the plan and hit Generate Floor Plate on the Context Menu.

  • The generation will begin to run.

2. Input the Unit Mix

The more iterations that run, the more accurate the result will become.

  • Input the desired Unit Mix in the upper left panel.

3. Control which metrics the algorithm prioritizes

Users can continously change parameters to interact with the algorithm throughout the generation process.

  • In the bottom left corner, interact with the algorithm weights to optimize for certain metrics.

  • Metrics with their sliders further to the right will be prioritized.

4. Adjust the stairwell count

  • Increase or decrease the Stairwell Count

5. Adjust the segmentation

  • Change the Option counter on the canvas to change the segmentation (how the algorithm divides the building. This can be treated as a shuffle button, or a seed value).

6. Assign to story

  • Once you are satisifed with the generation, use Assign to Story to bake it out.

7. Edit the results

Finch is a complete editing tool. All generated plans can be fully edited and customized.

  • Drag walls specific distances by typing the distance as you move.

  • Change wall widths by selecting a wall and inputting the new wall thickness in the Context Menu.

Like one half of the floor plate but not the other? Finch can generate in sections!

Delete the unwanted walls and run the algorithm again in the new section.

Last updated