Advanced: Uploading Walls
If your project already has predefined walls, you can upload them directly to Finch from both Rhino and Revit and still make use of Adaptive Plan Library
and AI Generate Unit Plan
Remember to upload only the mass first. Make sure the geometry is one closed polysurface.
Z-heights for the walls in rhino are irrelevant as you can work with story heights directly in Finch. Once placed in a selected layer, that is the story where they will appear.
1. Upload a mass
Upload a mass to Finch, find instructions here
2. Load Story Walls
Load Story Walls
in the Finch Add-inThis will add Finch wall families and levels to the file
3. Draw new walls
Enter a Finch Level (ex: 0-1)
Add Story Wall
and draw walls
4. Pre-existing walls
You can also upload walls that are already in your file by changing their family type and level.
Select the walls, and change them to the Finch Story wall family and Finch level (ex Level 0-1)
5. Upload to Finch
Once all the walls are in place, click
Upload Story Walls
and head to Finch to begin working with the plans.
Last updated