Assign Adaptive Plans

Adapt plans for new scenarios or paste existing plans.

1. Find Adaptive Plan

  • In the story level, right click on the desired unit(s)

  • Select Find Adaptive Plan

  • Search through the results, or type in your plan name if you have a specific plan in mind.

  • Select the plan from the results to assign it.

Work with multiple identical units at once by selecting a group under the Unique Units data drawer.

2. How to understand Adaptive Plan results

  • You can either search for a plan by name or explore the results that pop up automatically.

  • Each plan will have an Adaptivity Score, which represents how well the plan from your library will fit into the apartment, and how much Finch will need to adapt the plan to fit it.

  • The higher the matching score, the better the end result will be. The more plans in your library, better your results will be.

  • Finch offers you two ways to get your plans into the project, assign / assign as-is and adapt.

  • Assign does not use Finch's algorithms to adapt the plan, it simply pastes the plan into the unit. If your plan is a perfect match, you will have the option to Assign. If your plan is not a match, you will have the option to Assign as-is, which means that the plan will require further editing.

  • Adapt takes advantage of Finch's smart tools like auto-rotation and stretching constraints. The quality of this is of course dependent on the matching score, so having more plans in your library will result in more matches for different scenarios.

The plan is a perfect match to the unit shape, and Finch will paste the plan as-is.

The plan is not a perfect match to the unit shape, but Finch can adapt it to fit according to your constraints. The percentage reveals how compatible the plan and unit shape are.

Finch will paste the plan as-is for you to further edit yourself. The quality of this result is dependent on the compatibility of the plan and the unit shape.

Last updated